I know ... it was a long time ago since I posted something ...
I am really sorry , I wasnt in the mood and then the Spring arrived and the time became to be even more precious everyday. BUT I dont want to loose all these feelings I have everyday about my life in Amsterdam, thats why I force myself to write on this blog today.
Just to give some news from the awesome A'dam :
Sun every day
Queen's day
That are basically the words I use the more this last month.
April doet wat hij wilt.
Goed voor mij, als het leuk is !
The LOOOONG winter finished, every year I am even more surprised about how it can influed my mood. I am a summer girl. Or a short winter women.
Life continues, I have been to a ski trip ( amazing ! ), I had exams, and then France, and back in DA place.
Will post some news I SWEAR.
Until this, keep looking, keep going ...
2 commentaires:
Glad you decided NOT to abandon this lil blog ! It's good to hear from you ! :)
...But wth made you wanna post in ENGLISH ?!?
heeey excellent de voir cet article plein de joie de vivre ! ça fait plaisir !!
alors maintenant c'est le super beau temps à Amsterdam? j'ai vu l'album avec les tulipes avec ta copine Ozum : vraiment magnifique!
j'espère que tu vas nous mener dans des endroits comparables à ceux-là quand on va venir (très prochainement !!! )
P.S : tu étais allée chez le coiffeur non? tu devais me montrer ta new coupe.. est-ce que c'est celle sur la 2eme photo? on voit pas trop !
bizoux !
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